The people at STERAC are our success
What is most important to you when choosing your partner and service companies? The image? The product range? Or sustainably developed in-house skills which make a real difference?
Our employees are the source of all our pride. They are the asset of the STERAC brand which makes the key difference. Promises of performance and quality are not simply given, they are also delivered. Specifically this means: We employ experts for almost all the countries we cover, who speak the national language and who are perfectly aware of the regional circumstances, whether it be public holidays or temporary travel restrictions.
We invest year on year in further professional training for the people we employ. Whether it be in the warehouse, on the trucks or in the offices members of staff at STERAC are always at the cutting edge. Because it is one of our company goals to provide our staff with all the opportunities for further professional training and development.
An appreciative approach to interacting with people in our company creates a pleasant working atmosphere. This creates an above-average level of motivation and willingness to perform, the benefit of which is felt by the person who matters the most: you.